Home > Artworks > Alejandro Munoz Cabrera

Photo of Alejandro Munoz Cabrera Chile

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Some Exhibitions
Human Animal, Animal Gallery, Santiago de Chile (2004) - Gallery Centoira (Individual), Buenos Aires (1997) - Andreani Vicente López (Individual), Buenos Aires (1993) - Superheroes, Part 2 (Individual), Universidad Diego Portales , Santiago de Chile (1992) - Martina Céspedes Gallery, Buenos Aires (1991) - Ideas and Images from Argentina, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York (1990) - Joint Exhibition...

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Some Exhibitions
Human Animal, Animal Gallery, Santiago de Chile (2004) - Gallery Centoira (Individual), Buenos Aires (1997) - Andreani Vicente López (Individual), Buenos Aires (1993) - Superheroes, Part 2 (Individual), Universidad Diego Portales , Santiago de Chile (1992) - Martina Céspedes Gallery, Buenos Aires (1991) - Ideas and Images from Argentina, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York (1990) - Joint Exhibition of Teachers and Students, Visual Arts Foundation, Buenos Aires ( 1990) - Emerging Voices, CAYC Arts and Communication Center, Buenos Aires (1989) - Superheroes, Part 1, Gallery Centoira (Individual), Buenos Aires (1989) - 10 th Anniversary of the magazine we do, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (1989) - Competition Manliba of Visual Arts, Cultural Center of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (1989) - The Emerging Voices, Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (1988) - Gallery Centoira, Buenos Aires (1987) - Gallery Espaciocal (Individual), Santiago de Chile (1986) - Paris - Santiago: The Fine Arts at the University, Universities Católica de Chile and Paris I (1986).

Published works
Revista PAULA, Santiago de Chile, 2007 - Journal THE CLINIC, Santiago de Chile, 2007 - Centro Cultural Palacio de la Moneda, Santiago de Chile, 2006 - FIBER magazine, Santiago de Chile, 2002-2003 - Rolling Stone Magazine, NY, 1996 - Diario Clarin, Buenos Aires, 1992 - COCA-COLA: THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS IN ARGENTINA, commemorative booklet, Buenos Aires, 1992 - Magazine golden section Buenos Aires, 1991-1994 - PLAYBOY Magazine, NEWS AND WEEKEND, Buenos Aires, 1989-1993 - ICASA, International Center for Advanced Studies in Art, New York University, 1989 - Journal of Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, 1989 - Plaza Magazine Mayor, Buenos Aires, 1988 - Sunday Magazine, Enterprise newspaper El Mercurio, Santiago de Chile, 1986.

Visual Arts Foundation, headed by Hermenegildo Sabat, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Professor of Human Figure Painting, 1990 -1993 - Professor of Illustration, 1989 - 1991.

CAYC Arts and Communication Center, Buenos Aires, 1987-1989.

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